Pieces Final Cut

Friday 18 February 2011

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

After completeing our music video we recieved lots of glowing feedback both from our friends and other members of our class. However, they just simply saw the final cut of the music video and didnt understand the stages we had to go through to develop the video so that it lookerd proffessional.
Nearly all of these stages include watching the video itself through and then analysing it. By observing the positives and negatives, we can then move on and hopefully turn the negatives into positives by either changing the shots or by tightening up the editing.

Andrew Goodwin

Visuals either illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics and the music.
Genres have their own iconography and style.
Close ups are essential.
Music videos create and enhance star iconography.
Voyeurism is a common theme.

John Stewart

Lighting is used to highlight the star's face.
Visual references derive from a range of sources such as art and fashion.
Video allows more access to a performer than a stage performance.

So, in conclusion;

Music videos wouldn't be as alluring and specialised without:

Lip syncing/ Close ups/ Innovative and accurate editing/ Camera movements that enhance the music/ Post-production aesthetic effects/ A clear interpretation and amplification of the lyrics/ Iconographic mise en scene/ Excellent lighting...

The screenshots you can see below show how we related the visuals to the different parts of the song, pieces.

We used cross dissolves during the slow paced stages of the song. These dissolves seemed to work well with the backing instrumentals at that time in the song.

Whereas these screenshots show the editing at a different point in the song which clearly contrasts the editing shown at a slow part of the song.

We also included some special shots that we used for a specific reason. One of these included the desaturation of a shot to give the impression that a photo was being taken.

We also speeded up some footage to give the impression that there was a passing of time. We speeded the walking round the house footage up to ten times its usual speed. However, we also used speed to slow footage down from the hotel scene.

The following shots show how our music video relates to existing media products. The conventions below can both be seen in our music video as well as others that already exist in the music video industry:







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