Pieces Final Cut

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Target Audience

We decided to use this actor due to the fact that he fits the target audiences description when dressed correctly. We dressed him with a 'hoody' because this is the stereotypical dress code for 'mainstream' society. We have made this decision because we believe that the music video will have a greater effect on the specified target audience if they can relate it to their own lives.

We have decided to target our music video at 'mainstream' people in todays society. The stereotypical mainstream person will commit petty crime, be a bit of a street rat, race their car and be known in general as a chav. These mainstream people of todays society are between the ages of 16 and 24.

UK Tribes Information and Stats Research


The group is described as 'A fun-loving, unassuming bunch who still rule the nation - welcome to the Mainstream.'.

This segment has little interest in ‘seeing the world’ in the future. (Index = 78 vs. all 16-24 year olds)
Having children is very important to this segment’s future (44%) compared to all 16 to 24s (39%)
34% of this segment definitely agree that they “love spending time with my family.” This is slightly more than the total for 16 to 24s (31%)

Mainstream people in society are related to the following brands and media:

Alternative is a globalised Tribe with eclectic and influential taste in games, music and film, but no real need for fashion.

This segment ‘definitely agreed’ that they “like to share music with my mates” more often than all other segments (Index = 117 vs. all 16 to 24s)

They loved going to gigs more than most

(47% definitely agreed compared with 29% of all 16 to 24s) Only 9% saw having ‘a high powered job’ as ‘very important’ to their future. This contrasted negatively with the total of 16% for all 16 to 24s.

Alternative people in society are related to the following brands:

Source http://uktribes.com/mainstream


We decided to create a storyboard so that we knew exactly what happened throughout the narrative of our music video. We also thought that it would be a good idea to note down what is happening in each shot to give us an idea when we relate back to the storyboard of what we were planning to do. With these drawing we now plan to go on and produce an animatic of our music video which will include our music.